Metal foams continue to prove themselves as an extremely useful material with a number of unique properties that continue to surprise researchers and the manufacturing community. Having the ability to manufacture a material that is extremely durable, flexible and incredibly resistant to deformation and fracturing is something researchers have been after for a while now. A new kind of metal foam ha...
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Everyone knows metal, but have you heard of this foam metal? Foam metal is a new type of metal material containing foam pores. It not only retains the characteristics of metal materials such as solderability, conductivity, and extension, but also has the energy absorption and vibration reduction, noise reduction, electromagnetic shielding, air permeability and water permeability of porous material...
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Iron Nicke Foam 1. Product model: LITH-Iron nickel foam1 2.Product Description: Foam iron nickel metal and foam iron nickel alloy. The product is prepared by chemical deposition of nickel and iron and high temperature heat treatment. 3.Introduction 1. Sound absorption: porous structure has a wide frequency absorption characteristics. It can be processed in various shapes ...
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Since the middle of the 20th century, countries all over the world have been competing in the research and development of porous foam metal. At the same time, they have also proposed a variety of different preparation processes. According to different applications and different structural requirements, the preparation processes used are also different. Since aluminum foam material reflects the new...
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Can all Metal Foams be Processed by Laser Cutting, Engraving and Marking? YES! Foam is made by entraining gas bubbles into the material. Foam is usually made of polymers, but it can also be made of ceramic or metal. In open cell foam, the pores are interconnected, and the bubbles are filled with air. Open cell foam is easily compressed because air can flow freely through th...
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Copper Foam is a new multi-functional material with a large number of connected or unconnected pores evenly distributed in the copper matrix. Copper foam has good conductivity and ductility, and its preparation cost is lower than that of nickel foam, and its conductivity is better. It can be used to prepare battery negative (carrier) materials, catalyst supports, and electromagnetic shielding...
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Because metal foam has certain strength, ductility and additivity, it can be used as a lightweight structural material. This material has long been used as the core material of aircraft clips. In the aerospace and missile industries, foam metal is used as a lightweight, heat-transfer support structure. Because it can be welded, glued or plated onto the structure, it can be used as a sandwich ...
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Nickel foam is a kind of sound absorption material with excellent performance, which has a high sound absorption coefficient at high frequency; through the design of sound absorption structure, its sound absorption performance at low frequency can be improved. Foam nickel is also one of the best electrode materials for manufacturing cadmium-nickel batteries and hydrogen-nickel batteries. The proce...
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The development of foam ceramic materials began in 1970s, and is a porous material with high temperature characteristics. Its pore size ranges from nanometer to micron, and its porosity ranges from 20% to 95%, and its service temperature is from room temperature to 1600 ℃. Generally, foam ceramics can be divided into two categories, namely, open hole (net) ceramic material and closed cell ceramic ...
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